hey joel, made somethin for you! hope you have a great birthday. :D
from wikipedia: " Gashadokuro (がしゃどくろ/ 餓者髑髏, literally "starving skeleton", also known as Odokuro, literally "giant skeleton") are mythical creatures in Japanese mythology. The Gashadokuro are spirits that take the form of giant skeletons and are fifteen times taller than an average person, said to be created from the amassed bones of people who died of starvation or in battle, without being buried. "
from wikipedia: " Gashadokuro (がしゃどくろ/ 餓者髑髏, literally "starving skeleton", also known as Odokuro, literally "giant skeleton") are mythical creatures in Japanese mythology. The Gashadokuro are spirits that take the form of giant skeletons and are fifteen times taller than an average person, said to be created from the amassed bones of people who died of starvation or in battle, without being buried. "