Image Uploader Kretes Tags artist:Kretes game:habbo_hotel holy_shit streamer:joel Source Unknown Prev | Index | Next Comments KretesSeptember 4, 2019; 23:49 We're gonna have a small direct, he said. We're just gonna have some Grooki and Gooigi, he said. You don't understand, Joel. You made a deal with us. Habbo Hotel for a year, or no monki. KretesSeptember 4, 2019; 23:50 Also, remember how in Smash4, Inkling, Isabelle, and K.Rool were all just Mii costumes?
We're just gonna have some Grooki and Gooigi, he said.
You don't understand, Joel. You made a deal with us. Habbo Hotel for a year, or no monki.