

garbodor streamer:vinny vinesauce // 600x450 // 259.1KB Date     User Lishadra    
Tags garbodor streamer:vinny vinesauce


its upside down tho brah
I know ;-; I tried fixing it and it didn't work.


artist:hollywood-sn dark_shroom logo redesign streamer:vinny vinesauce vineshroom // 1771x405 // 237.2KB Date     User Hollywood-SN    
Tags artist:hollywood-sn dark_shroom logo redesign streamer:vinny vinesauce vineshroom


Full-Sized version: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Also Vinny is a nasty slut pass it on.


game:tomodachi_life streamer:vinny vlinny watercolor // 1500x2000 // 516.9KB Date     User jimdjango    
Tags game:tomodachi_life streamer:vinny vlinny watercolor


we're doing watercolor costume renderings in class right now so I did my own little rendition of vlincent for my homework


artist:placeholder house landscape streamer:vinny vineshroom // 2560x1440 // 4.1MB Date     User placeholder    
Tags artist:placeholder house landscape streamer:vinny vineshroom


quickish sketch, took me around an hour or so


artist:alizarinred dark_shroom logo streamer:vinny vinesauce // 300x300 // 35.7KB Date     User Alizarin    
Tags artist:alizarinred dark_shroom logo streamer:vinny vinesauce


This is how the shroom looks like touched up with those new colors. It's sorta hard to get a good color for the background area with the new colors.

Also I feel this needs a touching up job on the edge but not sure how to do that. I do have a none background version of this shroom if needed aswell.


rplace GAME:Hiveswap artist:hitomi_fujiko game:Homestuck streamer:vinny vineshroom // 1725x2300 // 779.5KB Date     User Hitomi_Fujiko    
Tags /r/place artist:hitomi_fujiko GAME:Hiveswap game:Homestuck streamer:vinny vineshroom


Hey, it's Joey!


artist:bcb9614 dark_shroom logo redesign streamer:vinny vinesauce vineshroom // 1920x1080 // 997.1KB Date     User BCB9614    
Tags artist:bcb9614 dark_shroom logo redesign streamer:vinny vinesauce vineshroom


I literally LOL'd at "Fo-king massive".
Happy about the feedback from everyone on stream, will see about centering the V to help the OCD folks out there ;) But for now as Vinny pointed out, I need a break XD


lewdweegee luigi streamer:vinny trash // 747x477 // 42.4KB Date     User lewdWEEGEE    
Tags lewdweegee luigi streamer:vinny trash


Dear Mr. Pizzapasta,

Do you feel the Weeg?


brb net_yaroze streamer:vinny vinesauce vineshroom // 800x450 // 130.8KB Date     User ToasterRepairUnit    
Tags brb net_yaroze streamer:vinny vinesauce vineshroom



BRB version:


artist:sebbu-kun furry shark streamer:vinny vinesauce vineshroom // 659x925 // 176.2KB Date     User Sebbu-Kun    
Tags artist:sebbu-kun furry shark streamer:vinny vinesauce vineshroom


As Vinny said (I think), I'm not really sure what this shark girl has to do with Vinesauce aside from the shirt, but I still think she's pretty cute nonetheless. You're art style is vaguely familiar, probably mainly because of the flat colours and white-circle eyes, but that's just an observation and not a comment on the quality of the art itself.

The one critique I can think to make is that the hands feel kinda off. Even with your stylization, the right hand seems like too much of a solid block. The left hand, while looking good at first glance, actually appears to be in a really awkward pose; it looks like the back of the wrist is against the hip, which is fairly recognizable as a realistically uncomfortable pose. I'm no artistic expert, but one tip I've heard a lot is to practice realistic drawing to improve your stylized art - the logic being to learn the rules of anatomy so you can more easily bend them with stylization.

Ultimately, I do really like this art. It tickles a number of my artistic preferences, like the flat colours and the circle eyes as well as the type of stylization overall, and struck me as out-of-place enough to catch my attention and make this comment! Keep up the good work; I look forward to seeing more of your art in the future!
I'm flattered, truly! This is the first piece of art I've really ever been proud of making and it's nice to hear all this feedback!
Her hands I couldn't do, it wasnt as much of an artistic choice as it was 'me not being able to do it'. I figured this fit here simply because my shark adores vinesauce, and put the vineshroom shirt on her as a big love letter to Vin and the rest of this community.
Thanks! I'll make a ton more art soon!
Your shark? You hiding a secret shark girl species from the rest of us? :P

But yeah, aside from finding that particular wording curious ("my shark" instead of something like "my shark character"), I gathered that how the hands look was based off inability and not choice; a lot of people struggle with hands, after all. I was more saying that it looked off even with the stylization; that the stylization didn't quite make up for how the hands look.

Also, no problem on the feedback! Your art just interested me in the right way that compelled me to write the comment, like I said. c:
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