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the following is a creepypasta i wrote immediately after watching your star wars stream. i forgot about it but in the morning i painted this. its really scary so be careful
it all started when i was just a kid. i was home from school because i had dropped raw chicken breasts on my dick. my mom had work that day but she had rented my favorite film, star warts episode E: the fantom menase. "wow i said. this is my favorite film i said" i said. but suddenly, when i got to the part where jarjar stuck his tounge in the pod racer, i heard a loud BANG noise and looked aroung i thought someone was breakingbad no breaking
in sorry autocorrect i meant breaking in not breaking bad anyway when i realized it wasnt a burgler, i looked back at the tv and jar jar bings created by gorge lukas of disney trademark 1999 had hyperrealistic blood
coming out of his eyes and he had chapped lips like when you sleep with the ac/dc left on and wake up and youre lips are stuck together and he said "joel when is kenshi part 2" and then my tv exploded and i got
salmonella from the chicken breasts i dropped on my dick and died