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This is based off of a dream I had today where I was watching your stream and you were streaming... something [Just call it AFDG or Almond's Fake Dream Game]. Dream you was in some sort of menu and Scoot was one of the options for something, and he had glowing text on his forehead that said "SLEEP". Dream you was like "Oh my God, he has it" or something along the lines of that. The text was customizable as well.

Somehow I was able to change it even though I was only watching it. I was going to change it to "POGCHAMP" but I scratched that idea and started typing in "YO MAMA". I guess dream you wasn't paying very much attention because after I put in the text you went like... the second panel. I exited out of the menu without saving the custom text and that was when I woke up.

God, my dreams are weird.