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Joel, I have returned. And I have returned with questions, but first, information.

This is Kamen Rider Varg's mid-transformation form. This is the form that Varg takes when he transforms without a Guitar Pick in the belt. This form is easily the weakest, as it is just Joel's strength on his own, with no enhancements. He can't defeat any enemies in this form, except for maybe standard mooks. The colors may look very basic and bland, but that's only because this form isn't enfused with the power of heavy metal.

Now, on to the question. You had mentioned that you were watching the original Ultra man (I can't say it with the words combined because the word gets blocked) series, and I was curious as to if you had finished it, and if so, what were your thoughts? Also, are you planning on continuing with UltraSeven?

Anyways, Joel, I hope you have a great rest of your day, and I will see you with my next post, where we truly get the reveal of Kamen Rider Varg...
Also, Joel, it was an honor to be your hint skull, and I will always be happy to do it again.