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On the first day, the Lord said "The time hath cometh for I to createth a release of urine."
On the second day, one of the land creatures questioned the actions of the Creator. "What in thy name art thou doing?"
With a response, He said, "I giveth thou this answer; I releaseth urine to flood the world."
The creature, accepting this answer, replied, "I understand, yet thou dost not leapeth towards myself? This is what your purpose in this world is."
The Creator, still indulged in his current plans, declined to accept the creature's offer. "Perhaps I shall satisfy your needs at another time."
The creature, now infuriated, scoffed at the Lord; "And not at this moment, at which I standeth before Thee? I am a non-believer of your ways, therefore thou must smite my inferior being with Thine Holy Legs."
The Lord responded again. "I have reconsidered thine offer, Beast; however, before I take it upon myself to fulfill my duties, I must regain composure of my Holy Garment. Once this has been done, only perhaps then, should it interest me, I shall end thine foul existence."
The creature, now growing absolutely enraged beyond competent speech, retorted angrily towards Him.
"Perhaps, you say? Should it interest Thee? Art thou mentally deranged!? Nay, I say; send me directly to the Ninth Circle of Hell immediately, you monstrous disgrace!"
The Lord, having understood that He had tested the creature's patience enough, agreed.
"Very well. It shall be done; though thou must hesitate briefly, as I reach for my Holy Garment."
The creature, seemingly more calm, uttered forth, "At last, O Lord, you have accepted my request."

(Binceyacht, I am deeply sorry to inform you that this now exists. I would say blame Jortellini for teaching me that the art tool exists, but I don't think he even thought about this.
There is now a tool for turning garbage into a landscape. The only thing Joel wanted was to do a Bob Ross Mario Paint stream, and I've used the idea and research to absolutely ruin this.)