Image Uploader technomoose Tags artist:technomoose desertp gearomatic greatzott streamer:dorb streamer:fred streamer:imakuni streamer:joel streamer:revscarecrow streamer:umjammerjenny streamer:vinny Vinesauce_is_Hope_2018 Source Prev | Index | Next Comments technomooseJuly 24, 2018; 20:55 Okay, I was disappointed I had to make this thing so crusty for the charity art contest, so here you go, a smaller, equally crusty version, but you can find the hi-res, crustless original in source (it's a huge file, about 80mb). Enjoy. technomooseJuly 24, 2018; 22:24 By the way, I recommend looking at the version in source, but it needs a couple minutes to load. ThatretroaussieJuly 26, 2018; 08:25 Holy hell this looks amazing. ThatretroaussieJuly 26, 2018; 08:26 Ohh btw, the deviant art link is dead. technomooseAugust 4, 2018; 18:32 Wait, really? I'll fix that, but I'm away from home right now, so it'll take a while.