Image Uploader MarioMixedUp Tags animal_crossing christmas reindeer Source mariomixedup Prev | Index | Next Comments Planet5421December 25, 2016; 06:47 DELETE THIS AchickadeemonstahDecember 25, 2016; 06:47 are those thorns for antlers KarateManJoeDecember 25, 2016; 06:47 seriously what's with the thorn antlers MarioMixedUpDecember 25, 2016; 06:47 Thorn antlers represent the thorn in my side that is Cherry's angst MarioMixedUpDecember 25, 2016; 06:47 Not sure why Vinny got upset, he has black hooves and Jingle is just giving Vinny permission to destroy the snowman he made of himself (so he can use that snow to make the other snowman family members).