

main image


i may as well go out and say anyone can download and play this, or rip it apart and steal all the assets i dont care
hell if you want to you could make a sequel or expansion with the assets i already have, if anyone actually wants to i'll upload all the extra files (so you know what blocks/sprites/music is what)
otherwise pls enjoy

the story is that grand dad wakes up and decides he needs to kill an orphanage because bootleg abominations are everywhere so he does and he takes the matron's head with him, but then he breaks a dendy beating a bootleg boss and has to bootleg a new game to continue existing, and while he's doing that he gets overcome with bloodlust so he murders a bootleg factory and satan himself to kidnap a demon to preform a ritual to create infinite people so he never has to stop killing
oops i just now noticed i had a typo in the ending and the last level is buggy because i switched around screen exits
but its still playable
its a feature
quario bootlegged it too hard so thats why wiggler's name is fucked up
i fixed the castle and made the ending more bootleg, if anyone at all played it you can redownload it from the same link (if i understand dropbox right) and you'll be able to keep your save file because I didnt modify the overworld
just noticed its hard to get the link because of the layout, so assuming anyone else ever looks at this again the link is