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Vinny taking a stroll in the city with Molly.
I love your art man, really motivational and inspring!
I gotta say, you're one of my most favourite artists on the booru! All your pieces are always so full of detail, are are just absolutely stunning. Keep up the work!
Wow, I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate the kind things that have been said to me. Especially coming from other great artists!(I really like that one piece you have, Arja!) I'm so happy I could evoke such warm and positive feelings from people.

And captainpallas, I love the liveliness yet pleasing delicacy of your work, I'm honored by what you have to say because I admire you as well. :)
Oh wow, this is honestly really gorgeous. I've always been a sucker for those pieces of Vinny not playing video games and this one REALLY stands out. Great work.
You're so sweet, I'm so glad you like it! I too enjoy slice of life, everyday settings. It's always nice referencing something a little more close to home.