Image Uploader piergaming Tags artist:piergaming streamer:vinny video_vinesauce vintage Source Shovelware Showcase and Vinnys friend calling the stream "Video Vinesauce". Made me think of older video game shows that tried to be hip somehow. Prev | Index | Next Comments ZetkeroJanuary 21, 2015; 03:26 I love it ParadoxKidJanuary 21, 2015; 03:26 This is just so cool. How do you get that 80's tv effect? piergamingJanuary 21, 2015; 03:26 Thanks for the positive feedback guys. Its hard for me to explain how I achieved that VHS effect, but its all hand-done. I just messed around with the colours, layer transparency, blurs, added some noise and sharpened it really.
How do you get that 80's tv effect?
Its hard for me to explain how I achieved that VHS effect, but its all hand-done. I just messed around with the colours, layer transparency, blurs, added some noise and sharpened it really.