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There's an obvious joke someone should have exploited long ago. Since Sponge's personality reflects his name, logically the same would do for Pretzel. So here's an easy backstory to get him started as a proper character (because Vinny, srsly, Sponge needs to have a brother)- Waluigi once helped him get into a Mario Kart competition. He lost every round in the stupidest way possible and became the saltiest jerk in the Mushroom Kingdom, to a point where he doesn't hate just the game, he hates EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. Like his brother, he started absorbing negative emotions to prevent such accidents from happening in the future. His painful memories make him rage whenever he sees something that resembles a blue shell.
So, it seems that Pretzel is one that has developed sociopathic tendencies... I may be just another Anonymous, but I think it's quite a good development.
And Poptart should just die.
Pretzel cries while running for unknown reasons, he must be in terrible emotional pain or just sad...
Sponge Absorve the sadness of his brother...
since Pretzel is always "sad"... Sponge is always depressed :(
Responding to 4th Anon; the reason Pretzel randomly starts crying and running might be because he keeps getting flashbacks of his Mario Kart career.