Image Uploader SN202 Tags artist:hollywood-sn game:tomodachi_life streamer:vinny vinelady vinesauce vineshroom vineswole vineswole:_truth._justice._gains. Source Aloccin suggested this (Chatango) Prev | Index | Next Comments breadotopSeptember 28, 2014; 08:04 OH MY GOD regaulitySeptember 28, 2014; 08:04 This is true justice. Let the bodies hit the floor. Let the bodies hit the floor - Ghandi floozlesSeptember 28, 2014; 08:04 We must become the swolest. Let no obstacles face our path. TimoteiLSDSeptember 28, 2014; 08:04 Vineswole is the hero we all need. Super_Lt._SurgeSeptember 28, 2014; 08:04 You may have been putting this off for a bit. Some may call it laziness. Others may call it procrastination. Me? I call it perfecting. It was able to marinate in your mind before the great transfer to existential form. And you know what? It was worth it. Johnny5September 28, 2014; 08:04 Love it, I freaking love it. Mr_C_I_ASeptember 28, 2014; 08:04 Gains. SlurpsSeptember 28, 2014; 08:04 You... you have a talent. Continue using it like this. AnonymousSeptember 28, 2014; 08:04 VINESWOLE, YOU DASTARDLY MAN. AnonymousSeptember 28, 2014; 08:04 So why is vineswole so accepted and yet vinelady is so hated?
Let the bodies hit the floor.
Let the bodies hit the floor - Ghandi
Some may call it laziness.
Others may call it procrastination.
Me? I call it perfecting. It was able to marinate in your mind before the great transfer to existential form.
And you know what? It was worth it.