

main image


REUPLOAD: Completely forgot to do the highlights on the pic, so here's the ACTUALLY complete version.

Happy birthday, Joel! And a happy belated birthday to Fren. :) A transparent version of this is also linked in the URL source.

I do hope your hair doesn't look too blond in this pic, and I also hope that I'm capturing your face pretty accurately. Unfortunately, all the reference photos I can find of you just feature you making the trademark Grumpy Metalhead Face and that's basically the only expression I have to work with.

Tip of the day: You know how AXE kills wasps? Febreze will, too. Also, some stain remover or laundry pre-wash spray will kill other pests like fire ants on contact because it's designed to dissolve proteins (like what's in food stains).

Bonus tip (because I technically uploaded twice): peppermint has a mild nausea-negating effect. I always keep bags of peppermints on hand for it.