Image Uploader Clickety Tags artist:clickety charity_stream streamer:darren streamer:dorb streamer:fred streamer:hootey streamer:imakuni streamer:joel streamer:ky streamer:limes streamer:revscarecrow streamer:vinny Source Unknown Prev | Index | Next Comments ClicketyJuly 27, 2014; 12:08 I'm sorry about re-posting this- I needed to fix the tones on Joel's hair and KY's beard. I think everything is sorted out now, phew. Amazing job on the charity donations so far, streamers and chat. Honestly, it's incredible. ArchvileJuly 27, 2014; 12:08 Fantastic job on this art, and fantastic job to the streamers and donators as well. ClicketyJuly 27, 2014; 12:08 Thank you for the compliment, Archvile! I appreciate it. AnonymousJuly 27, 2014; 12:08 aww no Jen AnonymousJuly 27, 2014; 12:08 Jen became a bear ClicketyJuly 27, 2014; 12:08 Yes, Jen has morphed into a bear. BEAR FORCE bear. There, are you happy now?
Amazing job on the charity donations so far, streamers and chat. Honestly, it's incredible.