Image Uploader FenixSeraph Tags artist:fenixseraph bono bug_ass centipede constipation game:super_mario_galaxy luigi mario spaghetti spaghettification streamer:jabroni_mike streamer:vinny tums Source Prev | Index | Next Comments gyjoSeptember 25, 2020; 02:15 b... batching? FenixSeraphSeptember 25, 2020; 06:57 It's a Jabroni Mike thing. Would you sacrifice two years of your life to nonstop shitting, right now, if it meant you never had to shit again for the rest of your life? Or would you rather just deal with constant trips to the bathroom?
Would you sacrifice two years of your life to nonstop shitting, right now, if it meant you never had to shit again for the rest of your life? Or would you rather just deal with constant trips to the bathroom?