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Recently, Vinny has been too hard on himself about his music
It is very good and we love it! Don't be mean to yourself, Vine!
We know you try to be humble, but there's a line between humility and self-deprecation. One allows you to continue learning and not be an asshole, and the other is just a form of emotional self-harm. Please take care of yourself and be okay with being happy with what you do and make.
Oh, for the record, the comic this is a redraw of is this one:
Many artists tend to hate their own art, even musical artists because it's not to their own standards (even me). But there comes a point where if you only dunk on your own creation rather than appreciate what you liked about it, it'll only bring you down. Even if you're just joshin' around for the stream, it's important to see the merits of your own craft, how much everyone appreciates the music you and Red Vox made! Staying humble is great I know, I understand, but remember to be kind to yourself man. It's all we can do to take care of ourselves these days. It's good to be proud of what you've accomplished.
And don’t feel bad about doing this either, y’all. Just acknowledge that you do it and try to be better.