Image Uploader CheesyDraws Tags album_cover artist:CheesyDraws brb streamer:vinny the_police Source Prev | Index | Next Comments CheesyDrawsDecember 14, 2019; 03:57 You live your life like a canary in a coalmine, You get so dizzy even walking in a straight line. Canary in a coalmine. If you don't play The Police with this BRB I'll be disappointed. VinchVoltDecember 14, 2019; 05:38 I'm tempted to make a "Don't Stand So Close to Me" joke, but considering what that song's actually about, I think it'd hit a bit too close to home. Also is it just me or does "Zenyatta Mondatta" seem like the kind of album title Vinny would come up with as a joke? :P
You get so dizzy even walking in a straight line.
Canary in a coalmine.
If you don't play The Police with this BRB I'll be disappointed.
Also is it just me or does "Zenyatta Mondatta" seem like the kind of album title Vinny would come up with as a joke? :P