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Tags artist:moswald14 ocarina streamer:vinny


yo vincent sauce,

been watching your streams over the past 2 years now. got hooked instantly watching you play earthbound. it was a game I follow on twitch and suddenly it had like 7k watchers, so naturally I went to check it out. it was you. it has been putting good substance yet corrupted brain damage in my life ever since. you've been helping me get through fixing my 3d-printer countless times so I thought I would make something sweet. I 3d printed a vinesauce ocarina that is fully playable (I don't take credit for the design of the ocarina, but I did put the vineshroom on it. no, I'm not the guy who 3d printed the glow-in-the-dark vineshroom).

when it was finished, I wasn't happy with it. it didn't sound as good as the one I printed with a shittier printer that looks like ass. So I went back and made it more badass. I have been experimenting with other versions of the ocarina and different printer settings to get the best sound. I made 17 ocarinas before working on this one.

the final vinesauce ocarina (pictured) consists of 30% wood filled PLA bioplastic. my printer ran for 18 hours to spit this thing out in one piece and then 15 more for the stand. a few more hours for the gold inlay decorations, which is also just PLA (not actual gold), as with the green ‘V’. an additional seven hours of manual man labor to gently put in the little tiny gold plastic parts, make sure they were glued in, 120 grit to triple brass polish, ultrasonic cleaner to get the polish off, then drenched with rubbing alcohol. the innards are protected with a layer of teflon to prevent dust and moisture. the outside is finished with the finest store brand virgin coconut oil. although it is biodegradable, it will last 100+ years at regular inside conditions. it is bestowed upon a 3d printed salt colored crystalline structure (also not designed by me). the inside is signed and dated by me.

I don't do as much as support the channel with subscriptions or ads or even participate in the troll spam, but I would really like to send you this awesome piece of work. I would like to hear you play it.

I hope you graciously accept,