Image Uploader Fretless Tags alpaca artist:fretless game:tomodachi_life groose karl_pilkington sponge streamer:vinny two_faced vineswole walrus wedding Source Unknown Prev | Index | Next Comments FretlessFebruary 12, 2015; 03:54 Just a bit of context: This was a Secret Santa request that I drew for someone on a forum I go to. applesaucemachineFebruary 12, 2015; 03:54 He's got quite a terrified Mark Lilly-esque facial expression there, which I'd is pretty fitting for this context. JelloteFebruary 12, 2015; 03:54 There's something inherently funny about a devious Karl Pilkington. ThelifehelperFebruary 12, 2015; 03:54 So cute! :3 AnonymousFebruary 12, 2015; 03:54 A tomodachi picture by Fretless that isn't a catalog of the islanders? Welp, it's nice knowing you all.