Image Uploader Purplehive Tags artist:purplehive streamer:vinny vinelady Source computor Prev | Index | Next Comments KaraszJanuary 2, 2015; 02:56 WHAT... SpicyPepperoniJanuary 2, 2015; 02:56 WHAT MoeikaJanuary 2, 2015; 02:56 Don't ever stop purple, don't ever let them stop you ;~; AnonymousJanuary 2, 2015; 02:56 You know nobody's gonna make this a thing, I'm not even gonna include it in Super Sauce Bros... OR WILL I????????????????? Super_Lt._SurgeJanuary 2, 2015; 02:56 What does this mean What's even happening PurplehiveJanuary 2, 2015; 02:56 Simple: Vinny hates vinelady. ThatKnightGuyJanuary 2, 2015; 02:56 I like where this is going PurplehiveJanuary 2, 2015; 02:56 Its fine, this should be my last piece of vinelady art for a wile so you guys can rest easy.
What's even happening