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"M-M-M-M-M-Mario, look out it's--"
"C'mon, Luigi!! It's just another mushroom! There's nothing to be afraid of!!"
"B-But it looks different, Mario! It's got a mouth and a V shape, Mario!"
"Well yeah but there's a meltin' snowman over there and a hobo upstairs, and you're goin' nuts over a f*ckin' mushroom?? C'mon, Luigi."
"Y-You're my brother, Mario, and you've been hiding this longer than my Terminal 7 symptoms!"
"I'm sorry, Luigi! I thought you'd be lookin' for some kinda drug or something to fix it so I hid this one until I thought you might never get better!"
"But it smells like garbage, Mario! It smells worse than Garfield!"
"What do ya think I'VE had to deal with for thirty-four years, Luigi!?!? Try to clean yourself a little bit! I'm not raising a FARM here!!"
"But what about the princess? What was she doin' in your bed last week, Mario!?"
"That was my boss, Luigi! I had to sell the business and she came onto me!"
"That's what SHE said, Mario!"
"Why I oughta--..."

Consider this an apology for the last thing I made, Mario Pissing New Testament Edition.
Have you ever considered making a Zelda II-styled Temple in Minecraft under your base? You could build a giant Link sprite at the end with valuables. I figure it might be fun if you wanna just screw around or something.

Have a good night, Binceyacht!
One more thing which I was gonna ask the last two times before forgetting:
What are your favorite parts about the RPGs you've streamed thus far?

asking for a friend ha ha :)