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Hey there Joel, it's just me, Ecki_Tronkowski from Chat! I've been sick recently with a nuclear cough but I saw The Wasp Attack during the Mario stream and knew this needed to be made. Here's a tip, though: maybe don't launch nuclear missiles at Norway during hornet mating season next time!... Still, thank you again, and I hope to actually catch one of your streams soon! I hope you guys all have a great night!

Yeah, you; if you're reading this or not, you're a pretty legit cool dude! Enjoy!!
I like this animation.
you might want to put a epilepsy warning in the tags.
Thank you, and I didn't realize at the time I could use the tags for that; so not only will I probably tone it down a lot anyways, but I'll still put the tags in for the ones that I tone down.

Still, I'm incredibly glad you enjoyed this!