Image Uploader Nilryth Tags artist:Nilryth naruto pepsi streamer:joel Source Prev | Index | Next Comments NilrythSeptember 30, 2018; 22:00 This is awful and I'm sorry (Not sorry for Anthro's shirt though) Based on the pre-stream chat weebfest NilrythSeptember 30, 2018; 23:26 Sidenote thanks for streaming so much lately. One of my cats are extremely sick and he might not last the night, it's been a rough week but you really help in cheering me up so thank you so much AnthropophagusOctober 2, 2018; 02:45 Holy shit amazing ahahahahha AnthropophagusOctober 2, 2018; 02:46 Except for the shirt. F*ck you. H_HogOctober 4, 2018; 11:59 They don't have Bepsi at the Lidl! Pretty good deal on Koolvisfilet, though. :P
Based on the pre-stream chat weebfest
Pretty good deal on Koolvisfilet, though. :P