Image Uploader Rottenpie Tags artist:rottenpie game:miitopia streamer:vinny vlinny Source Unknown Prev | Index | Next Comments RottenpieOctober 6, 2017; 13:59 This took me a million years to upload. The quality degraded greatly, and I'm still having issues with the uploads :/ But hey, here's a Vlin. Lin_RinkuOctober 6, 2017; 14:16 It's a shame that the quality isn't as good, but this still looks nice!! And it's still a pretty big image, woh. RottenpieOctober 6, 2017; 14:17 It was originally a 4000x3000 or something, then I kept scaling it but for some reason even after scaling, it couldn't upload. Ah well. RottenpieOctober 7, 2017; 11:54 Welp, finally, here's a higher-quality upload on DA if this looks too blurry: