Image Uploader cinnapepper Tags artist:cinnapepper game:tomodachi_life lambchop lamb_chop mushroom streamer:vinny trippy Source Unknown Prev | Index | Next Comments KangarooJuly 27, 2015; 05:59 woah nice cinnapepperJuly 27, 2015; 05:59 thank you!! KangarooJuly 27, 2015; 05:59 np! i cant draw trippy stuff if my life depended on it. ^^ SN202July 27, 2015; 05:59 Why are you so good with colors. Teach me your secrets, DEMON. cinnapepperJuly 27, 2015; 05:59 here's my secret: eat some runts and vomit all over your tablet. hope it helps Hollywood-SNJuly 27, 2015; 05:59 SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN. Hollywood-SNJuly 27, 2015; 05:59 New account BTW. Always hated the number, always used it cause of stupid "3 letter minimum" shit. But ive used the "Hollywood" prefix for awhile now on Steam so fuck it. sailorangerJuly 27, 2015; 05:59 Amazing!!! Wait is lambchop still alive? AnonymousJuly 27, 2015; 05:59 How do you even do this? cinnapepperJuly 27, 2015; 05:59 lambchop is still on the island, yes. and how do i do what?? art? well you see my friend, when a sheep and a mushroom love eachother very much...
Teach me your secrets, DEMON.
Always hated the number, always used it cause of stupid "3 letter minimum" shit.
But ive used the "Hollywood" prefix for awhile now on Steam so fuck it.