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Once a year, on the 29th of August during the witching hour. The bravest cult member of the Cult of Varg, those known to some as “Chat”, or “Chatters” to the ones who dare speak. Descend into the lowest pit of hell to the King's throne room with a humble offering of peace and allegiance. A cake is offered to the king of the underworld. To many, he is called The Duke of Deuces, The Skeleton Overlord, but to us mere members of the Cult of Varg? We call him Joel. Happy Birthday, Joel. I hope it is as much ass as you are. Thank you so much for everything that you do.

Fun fact no one asked for, mine and Joel’s birthdays are one day apart.

Higher quality images can be found in the source, I’m begging you please look at the source image. It took me an hour to get the resolution right for the Borru.