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Hey Joel, sorry I messed up my previous booru submission. I have tested my sprites in the game, and they look kinda janky in the pokemon's summary menu, but there's no such problem in the battles. Not sure how to fix that, but if you still wanna use them there's a new link in source with the previous sprites individually and two new additional including this Phoebe. All the codes are also there, but I’ll leave them here too, just in case (with a few alternatives):

Phoebe is 146.372 (Moltress/Talonflame). Also can rename as: 146.146 (Moltress/Moltress) or 250.146 (HO-OH/Moltress)

Lidl shoe is 201.420 (Unown/Stunfisk), you can also use 402.420 (Drifloon/Stunfisk) or pretty much just any of Stunfisk’s fusions. And I made a smaller version of this sprite, since people were pointing out that it would look too big in the game, up to you which one is "funnier".

Dwarfs are 306.51 (Rampardos/Dugtrio). Alternative: 51.51 (Dugtrio/Dugtrio) or 68.51 (Machamp/Dugtrio)

Skull is 311.123 (Duskull/Scyther)

Torterra is 36.318 (Clefable/Torterra). Alts: 100.318 (Voltorb/Torterra), 101.318 (Electrode/Torterra) or 201.318 (Unown/Torterra).

Once again, sorry for all the inconvenience.