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That's right, you probably never even thought of a Vinesauce 3Ds theme, but here it is!

This theme includes every single one of the postcards featured at this years Vinesauce is Hope event!
Features include:

Custom app backgrounds!
Custom folder backgrounds!
Custom colors!

Background music: Jump up, Superstar! Music Box
Open lid sound, Scoot saying "Banana"
Open app sound, Joel saying "Whose been drawing dicks?"
Close app sound, Vinny's Toad scream from Super Toad 64.

Credits to the respected artists, those who made the postcards, and the absolutely fantastic
Vinesauce is Hope magazine. If you want to show your love to these artists, make sure to
buy their magazine with all of those cool postcards! (also, go team ray!)
Get the theme here! (REQUIRES HOMEBREW)

Before hand, if this gets taken down I perfectly understand. If you want the theme taken
down as well make sure to message me and I'll take it down as soon as possible. Have an
amazing Vinesauce is Hope 2018!